Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I am so glad I have insurance and very grateful, but this little bottle of medicine was still 35 dollars. How is that possible? The pharmacist made sure to tell me that my insurance brought the price down from around 65-70 dollars. I think she was trying to make sure that I did not have a heart attack on the spot! Pink eye is my disease of the day now and I need the antibiotic drops. Okay, enough of a vent but I feel like I am getting gouged right and left. I might as well just take a match and light my money on fire as fast as we are burning through it this month. We are not destitute or anything, but gee I feel like it is flying out the window faster than we can make it right now. I promise, no more rants!:)


At 7:04 PM, Blogger Grammy said...

I feel your pain. I hate it when I go into cardiac arrest at the pharmacy cash register, especially when the original complaint had nothing to do with the heart. Seriously, I suspect it cost them $3.95 to produce that bottle and the rest is just padding. I hope it at least works fast and well, so that the plague does not spread around the family. Get better soon.

At 9:51 AM, Blogger Lei said...

Ugh, prescriptions are the worst! I hate how much we soend on them per month! Why couldn't I get one of those kids with an invincible immune system?

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Rachelle said...

I feel your pain. My infert meds are not covered. They're about $50 a pop. It gets really old really quick shelling out money after money for meds!

At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm...try not having ANY insurance what so

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Having insurance sure is a blessing, especially after we went so many years without it. I am so glad that I only had to spend 35 dollars versus 65-70. My pink eye is finally going away. Yuck. I am glad that there was enough to use on my older daughter who ended up getting it in her other eye. Shh. Don't tell the doc.:)


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