Monday, May 22, 2006

My Life Monday - Week 3 and Then Some!

Week 3 - My parents named me _____ (Carrie) because . . .

I am named after an aunt. A great aunt, I think, on my maternal grandfather's side. There is only one picture I have ever even seen of her and she looked like a very nice lady. I really should learn more about her, but I am a sad excuse for a geneologist or family historian. I am working on it though. In all my life, I have only come across one other person with the same spelling of my name and she was a good friend of mine growing up. Usually, it is spelled Kerri or Keri or Karrie or some version starting with the letter K. My parents wanted to use the name name Cassie Louise if they ever had a girl, but my Dad's nephew named his daughter Cassie a year before I was born and so I am Carrie Louise instead. I have always liked my name and have never really wanted another name. I had friends who always wanted to change their names to something exotic or mysterious or just plain weird instead of the typical names we got in the 70s like these*. In my opinion, these are good solid names. Not that I do not find some of the names out there now really cool, but I like your average Joe names, too. My name is #55 on the list for that year in popularity and with the same spelling to boot, which is weird because like I said, I hardly ever come across that spelling when I run into a Carrie or a Kerri or a Keri or well . . . you get my drift. Well, that is it. The story of my name.

In weekend randomness -

1. We were sloths. Yes, sloths. I did get some things done like play with my children but most of the weekend was pure slothfullness.
2. Saturday we went for a drive up the canyon and ate copious amounts of way over priced Mexican food, which was good but they sure have raised their prices and I can go to another place down here in the valley and get food that tastes just as good for half the price.
3. We also drove to a park in the same city to let the kids play where I talked my hubby into staying away from the nearby Granny's Drive In to share a couple of small shakes between us all to settle that Mexican food. In times past, we may have but I could not justify it since we couldn't even finish the Mexican food we had bought because it was just way too much food. for any of you who know what Granny's is, it is no longer closed as stated in the above link. I am not as big of a fan as the hubs because I like hard pack ice cream shakes better and love BYU Creamery shakes 10 times more, but the house was built by his great-great grandfather or something, so we like to go for the novelty of saying when we go to Granny's, we are really at Granny's. The kids think this is hysterical. Okay, whatever makes them happy.:)
4. Saturday night I made whole wheat bread with raisins, sunflower seeds, walnuts. Oh my, it is so good. My hubby also made banana bread on Sunday morning for all of the families that he home teaches and the kids. Can we say glycemic coma? By the way, my total weight loss for the past two months is 20-25 pounds. Yippee. I do let myself go a little overboard on occasion and that is why I am hitting the gym again tonight. Was it worth? Yeah, baby.
5. I missed church on Sunday. My eye was still crusty and I was tired and not feeling well and I work in the nursery where I am sure all the parents would appreciate me giving their kids pink eye and I had stayed up late watching an Andy Griffin marathon and . . . well, just strike me with lightening, I stayed home from church.
6. I spent some of my time Sunday doing a movie marathon by watching Anne of Green Gables with my daughter. What is it with that movie? I cried about 15-20 times yesterday while we were watching it. It must be close to that time of the month or something or it is just a freakin good movie.
7. Sunday, we needed to get out of the house and we tried to feed ducks that were not interested and were mostly gone. There is a great duck pond that I used to frequent and haven't been to in a while and I had a bunch of stale bread, but there were not nearly as many ducks as usual and the ones that were there were probably overfed.
8. Can you believe that this . . . ?Could cause this . . . . I am the meanest mommy in the world because I will not let him destroy some other child's toy. My goodness, what has the world come to?8. So basically, I ate too much, did not do many chores around the house, ditched church (which really I hardly ever do), played with the kids, and laid like a sloth in front of the television watching one of the best movies ever. Productive, no? Fun, yes?

*I could not get the link to work directly to the page with the most popular names for 1971, but if you scroll down you can put in the year you were born and it will give you anywhere from the top 20 names for the year you want up to the top 1000.


At 3:43 PM, Blogger Blackeyedsue said...

Okay, I am so sad that post didn't work. Could you post the link in comments?

There is nothing wrong with taking a Sunday off. I took a Sunday off a couple of months ago and spent it gabbing on the phone with a friend. I NEEDED the break!

Honey, you have to tell me what you are doing to loose that much in that short amount of time!!!! PULLLEEEESSEEEE!!!!

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Rachelle said...

Busy weekend! I have always seen Carrie spelled your way. I like it. Thanks for sharing!

At 6:57 PM, Blogger Grammy said...

I LOVE a slothful weekend. And hey, you didn't ditch church. You were looking out for the welfare of innocent young children - a public service, if you will. If I had "crusty eyes" I would definitely have stayed home. The rest of it sounds fun to me, though

At 7:09 PM, Blogger Lei said...

Woohoo on that loss girlfriend! You are doing it!!!

I hate missing church, too. I've missed 2 weeks now due to my house arrest. And will likely miss the next 3. :(

At 7:47 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I really enjoyed this weekend and we really needed to have a rest. My hubby filled in for me at church while I stayed with the 12-year-old and that is why I felt a bit guilty because she was unwell but probably well enough to watch herself. We seemed to have all caught a virus and are at various stages of it. Mostly, just plain 'ol tired. Hubby said that only 3 kids showed up for nursery and 1 of them was ours. Usually, we have 10-12. I wonder if there is something going around.

Stephanie, I tried to get it to link to the page I wanted it to but it would not. It now just links to the SS most popular names page. You can scroll down a bit and put in year you were born and it will show the most popular names for that particular year. It does 20 to 1000 top names. My year was 1971. I made a note of the change on my blog. It is kind of fun to look at and see what names were popular the year you were born.

As for the weight loss, I have just been doing Weight Watchers. I also work out about 6 days a week for about an hour. I am very strict with myself, for the most part, during the week and give myself a little bit of a break on the weekends. I think it helps give the body a break. Some weeks, I lose big others not. It has averaged about 2.5 to 3 pounds a week, though. Right now, I know I am carrying around 5 pounds of water retention. I hate this time of the month.

Thanks for stopping by everyone.:)

At 8:28 PM, Blogger Grammy said...

I got my "my parents named me up, finally, but couldn't figure out how to connect to "the network". Maybe this hobby is just too high tech for me.?


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