Wuv, Tru Wuv,
will fowow you foweva . . .

Do you ever look at your old wedding album and wonder who are those people? We are definitely different both physically and emotionally. I cannot believe how much we have changed and how brave I am for posting these pictures where I am slim and trim. Some people I know, who know me now and have never seen me before, might fall out of their chairs. That's alright, I know they still wuv me because of who I am and not what I look like. No, it is really not that bad. I do not shy away from mirrors because of horrible warts on my face or hairs growing out my nose or anything just flabby thighs.
Ah, we were so young. We thought about all the fun we were going to have and that it would be all the things that make us think of romantical notions and wedded bliss. Many, many, MANY, many things have we learned.
I love my husband more now than I did then and I have learned a little bit more patience, I hope. I had to throw that "I hope" in, as yes, my hubby does read my blog. He just might laugh himself into hysterics at work while he is reading this and pass out. His co-workers will wonder why he is on the floor rolling around about his ever so patient wife or why he passed out from the hysterical laughing.
By the way, do you think my husband looks a little freaked out in the picture to the right in the

I have learned to remember the "grapefruit syndrome" story (please read bottom of page that this link goes to for story about grapefruit) and hold it close to my heart and chant grapefruit syndrome to myself very often. My husband has learned strategic capitulation, as he calls it. He used to think, when he was young and ever so smart, that his dad just did not stand up to his mom enough, you know like men should (I can hear you all laughing), but he has learned the value of strategic capitulation in our marriage just as his father did. I swear, I am not a brutal wife and neither is his mother. Our husbands just love us and sometimes, they have to remember the "grapefruit syndrome" chant, too, and to strategically capitulate. We have both learned that making each other happy makes us happy as a couple. It has been a very busy two-way street.
I have learned that love is an action and it takes work and not focusing so much on the little things that may cause us to cringe or become exasperated. We have both grown up immensely since the early part of our marriage.
Marriage is a scary thing but also exciting and for me, it has just gotten better and better each day and each year that we are together. I am not a truly romantic person. My husband is way more romantic than me, but I just thought it would be good to end the month of February talking about my sweetheart. He is wonderful and I love him and he takes good care of me. He is truly my very best friend. It is a pleasure to go through life with him and to know exactly where we are going. So, I hope you will all remember to tweasure your wuv throughout the year.