Blogger Bum
I feel like somewhat of a blogger bum. Nothing interesting seems to be coming to my head these days. My days have been filled with just getting by except for our little jaunt to Moab. Do things just always feel routine? In my life, I have been trying to notice the miraculous and not the so much the mundane parts like chores, work, etc., etc., etc.
I have been reading a book by Sheri Dew called, "If Life were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard and Other Reassuring Truths." This lady is awesome. I highly recommend this book. One thing that she said in her book that struck me was this,
"While we have been assigned to take the test of mortality during the most spiritually rigorous and demanding time in the world's history, we have not been left alone."
There are many days that I simply think that I cannot stand it any longer. I truly love my family, but there are times that I think my brain will implode if I hear one more kid screaming at another kid about who has whose stuffed animal or whose foot is touching their foot. I also have bigger worries than those about their welfare, but the point is we are not alone in the routine of life and the struggles. Knowing that I can pray for strength and help with my children and just knowing that someone stronger than I am is at the wheel gives me comfort.
Shifting focus has been a huge priority of mine as of late. I am trying to focus on all the glorious gifts that my children bring into my life, which largely outweighs the struggles. I think it is in our nature at times to focus on the small parts of our life that make us sad or cause us frustration. This world can certainly give us cause to do so, but there is so much joy.
I am so grateful for my family and how much they add to my life. It certainly is an interesting ride and continues to get better every day. It is challenging, hard, extremely frustrating at times but 100% worth every minute of it. I just think I need to remember that in the mundane grind of life there is so much happiness and joy and that God is with me every step of the way.
By the way, we had a small miracle today that I can take pause to note. My daughter ate all her broccoli. Nobody asked her to, begged her to, pleaded, or bribed her to. She just did it. I do not care what anyody says that was a miracle if I ever saw one.:)